What really happened
2004-04-06 - 10:02 a.m.

Ok so what really happened is this -

My iron did stop working, and there was a loud flash of light and a loud cracking sound, and Shelley did lend me an iron that she had spare. That was ages and ages ago, and I promised I would buy an iron of my own and give her the iron back, but as I haven't yet got around to doing so, Shelley's mum GAVE me a different iron which is even better than the first so now I have two!

Isn't this a great story?!

So, today Shelley and I are going to dress head to toe in black, including hats, gloves and sun glasses and meet in a busy public place to make the switch. I will give her back her iron.

Then I will only have one iron.

Guys - let this be a lesson for us all... the longer it takes us to do what we promise, the better we get treated by the women-folk.

Make promises - then wait for a lo-ong time!

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